symposium 2021

The Professional Writing Students’ Association Third Annual Undergraduate Symposium

What is Liminalities?

Derived from the Latin word “limen,” meaning “threshold,” liminality refers to the space in-between.

It is where one has left something behind but is not yet fully in something else. It is a transition filled with uncertainty, ambiguity, and hybridity. It carries the potential for disruption, subversion, and most of all, change. In this space, new meanings, new relations, and new identities are produced and old familiarities are transformed. 

A threshold itself is a space. Despite its temporary nature, its significance can be felt in our lives for many years. Regardless of what happens, we are bound to return from the threshold changed in some way. There is meaning to be found in these spaces if we stop and look around. 

About the Host

Jacqueline Swan and James Zhan initiated the Professional Writing Students’ Association in 2017 with the help of UPD Kerry Doyle, faculty advisors Dunja Baus and Marlene Bernholtz and fellow students. 

The PWSA plans and executes events where York students can network with peers, alums, and faculty through writing-focused activities that encourage creative expression on several interactive platforms, from executive council positions to general member and volunteer positions.

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to publish their work in our online journal INVENTIO and to present their work at our Annual Symposium. We also provide an online Discord space for Professional Writing students to share and discuss their writing. 

The PWSA is open to all students, faculty members, staff, and alums of York University, regardless of program major or writing experience.